Tanya Landman has written many books for children in the UK, 《皇冠登录welcome》是她在美国的首演, 针对年轻成人市场.  I was originally intrigued by the cover art and the write up inside the jacket, which promises that Landman: “takes readers on a sweeping journey of the American Southwest in the nineteenth century. 借鉴历史记载, she poignantly imagines the Black Mountain Apache as a tribe fighting to survive the devestating progress of nations.”  I like stories of young women (and men) who step outside traditional roles, rise up, 在逆境中变得成熟.  这本书实现了阅读更多→

Opening and closing with the funerals of 2 teens killed by drug violence, Walter Dean Myer’s 《皇冠登录welcome》, is a stark portrayal of youth for urban teens.  I am always impressed by Walter Dean Myer’s ability to tell honest, 有时也很坚韧, stories about the difficulties faced by young men, 常作非裔美国人, whose lives are surrounded by violence. His characters are multi-dimensional and he deftly illustrates how much everyone has in common with everyone else, and how fine the line between good and bad choices really is. Fifteen-year-old Jessie has always seen his slightly older friend Rise as a hero, and the boys made a blood-brother bond as children.阅读更多→

在戴安·谢尔顿的《welcome皇冠地址》里, 我们见到了16岁的珍妮特, 一个戏剧性的, 被误解的, 自我中心的青少年. Attempting to transcend life’s “mundane crap” Janet, 最好的朋友陪伴, 进入了她的“黑暗阶段”,以深色衣服为标志, thinking about “DEEP AND MEANINGFUL THINGS”, 并有计划地追捕艾文, 一个有抱负的电影制作人. Meanwhile, life at home in London grows increasingly rocky. At first we only get glimpses of Janet’s family, all seen through her sarcastic teen eyes, so we don’t really know what’s going on in the house.  But when her parents’ normal fights erupt into full crisis and her brother’s volitle personal life gets out of阅读更多→

I have a copy of The Gathering by Michael Carroll and at first I didn’t realize that it was book two in a series (yes, 我看到封面上有个巨大的“2”. Whatever.). I’ll definitely go back to read book 1, but I was able to follow along alright. 10 years ago the superheroes were the rescuers of the human race. The supervillain Ragnarok created a device to strip the heroes of their powers. Now, the children of the heroes are finding out that they inherited some powers. If you like shows like Heroes or enjoyed the giant list of superhero movies this summer,阅读更多→

混蛋,加州 by Jonathan Friesen, is the story of Sam Carrier. All Sam can dream of is being an average guy who can actually talk to the beautiful and perfect Naomi. However, 山姆患有妥瑞氏综合症, which causes his body to twitch and tic and his mouth to not cooperate with his head. However, 山姆的生活即将改变, through the long lost words of his deceased father and his new (and unexpected) friends. The journey he embarks on is one of self acceptance, love, and finding out just who you are in the world. As Jonathan Friesen’s debut novel, 混蛋,加州 is one阅读更多→

Walker feels like his life has been going downhill since his father died.  In Ron Koertge’s 接吻永不停止的地方, this high school junior has to come to terms with the fact that his dad wasn’t who he thought he was, that his life is going out of control, 最重要的是, 他妈妈找了份脱衣舞娘的工作. 沃克在书中的人际关系, 和他最好的朋友, Sully, 他的新女友, Rachel, 还有他妈妈, allow him to explore his changing feelings, 不安全感, 以及成长过程中的日常挑战.  He learns his father left him some land to use阅读更多→

Matt de la Pena’s second novel for young adults, 墨西哥WhiteBoy, 讲述了引人入胜的丹尼的故事, a 17 year-old young man who doesn’t feel that he fits in anywhere. Certainly not in his primarily white private school north of San Diego, 甚至更少, he feels, 在国家城市, San Diego, with his Mexican father’s extended family.  Danny struggles with feelings of being an outsider since at school he’s seen as a Mexican kid, and in his family he’s not Mexican enough. Danny comes to National City to spend the summer at his uncle’s place.  His white mother and sister are in San Francisco阅读更多→

July’s School Library Journal cover story Street Fight: 欢迎来到城市文学的世界, is a thought-provoking article about the genre of books that aim to accurately represent the sometimes harsh, violent world of today’s inner city life. Amy Pattee’s insightful investigation of the history and continued cultural relevance of this genre provides good background for those who are unfamiliar with it and yet are confronted with teen readers’ requests for these types of books.  Pattee also provides a good bibliography of urban lit titles written specifically for the teen audience, although her point that some “young connoisseurs of urban lit may find these more restrained stories babyish or inauthentic”阅读更多→

A few weeks ago the Sunday New York TimesBookReview ended with an essay by Margo Rabb, 我是Y.A.,我是O.K.   这是一次有趣的考试, 从作者的角度来看, about the very porous border between books published for the adult and the young adult market.  Here at PBC we see great books all the time that exist on both sides of that border, and I think this points to the sophistication of teens today and the realization that they deal with issues in their everyday lives that make for powerfully told stories. 由Cori发布阅读更多→