In much the same way that Laurie Halse Anderson with Speak in 1999 aimed to shed light on the subjects of sexual assault, 心理健康, and forming an identity throughout one’s teenage years, Amber Smith chronicles the challenges of Eden McCrorey in her book The Way I Am Now (2023). 她十四岁时就被强奸了, Eden struggles to acknowledge compliments and accepts only the love she things she deserves. Eden is afraid she will need 抑郁症, anti-anxiety, and sleeping medication forever. Although she feels things deeply and completely, Eden disconnects herself from most of what she loves: playing the clarinet and connecting at a阅读更多→

Guilt is the glue that keeps Rana’s immigrant family together. In the Muslim world that Rana is from, the goal is to become a dutiful wife. However, that is a version of womanhood that Rana can’t live up to. She’s gay but keeps her sexual identity secret. Because she’s suffering from the loss of one of her best friends, 路易离奇死亡, Rana quits basketball and carbo loads her pain. 当她缩成一团的时候,她的老师. 穆里略试图把她引出来, telling her that her opinion matters and offering her meditation as a way to open up to possibility:阅读更多→

《welcome皇冠地址》,弗朗西斯科·X. Stork has penned a powerful and poignant story. His protagonist Alberto Bocel is an undocumented Mexican in the United States working in order to send money back to Ticul, 墨西哥, 为了他母亲的医药费. Alberto endures symptoms of a mental condition that leaves him oscillating between a cloud of forgetfulness or battling the voice in his head. 结果,他感到心碎. 当阿尔贝托被指控谋杀了. Macpherson, he wonders if he is capable of such cruelty. Did the voice in his head—whom he has named Captain America—use his hands to commit murder? At阅读更多→

Readers of Sarah Dessen and Kasie West will likely enjoy 卡拉·麦克道尔的《这可能会很尴尬. 设置页面, 亚利桑那州, McDowell’s novel tells the story of Gemma Wells, who finds social situations awkward and awful and who—of her own admission—doesn’t know how to have fun. Despite her challenges to conquer her social anxiety disorder (SAD), Gemma can’t just “suck it up.” So, when her favorite beach is overtaken by a teen party at the end of the school year, 她的幻想开始高速运转. Beau Booker, captain of the swim team and the most popular person at Page High, is in attendance. 只是阅读更多→

梅洛迪·伯德最喜欢的地方是墓地.  It’s full of history and beauty, not sadness, and it’s always peaceful and absent of shouting. After her parents split up because of Dad’s deceit, team MC—Melody and her mom Claudia—support one another. One day while walking in the graveyard with her dachshund Frankie, Melody discovers a house overgrown by weeds and vines. 经过一番研究, 她得知这是一座瘟疫之家, a quarantine facility that is hundreds of years old. Melody can’t wait to share her find with her best friend, Matthew Corbin. Matthew has a fear of germs and a tendency towards obsessive compulsive阅读更多→

Set in North Carolina, 梅森·迪弗的《我们留住的鬼魂 is a book about coping with grief. It confirms that healing is a complicated process different for everyone. 当利亚姆·库珀的兄弟, 伊森死于一场肇事逃逸事故, 利亚姆的世界失去了正常.  16岁的, non-binary musician can find no life outside the music he makes with the aid of GarageBand software. Even his friends Joel and Vanessa consider him too morose. Feeling like he doesn’t belong anywhere and trying to navigate the grieving process alone, 他的愤怒和沮丧使他精疲力竭. Initially, Liam believes that he will move through the阅读更多→

A form of cognitive efficiency, labeling helps people make sense of their worlds. Although labels give our brains the ability to categorize and to draw useful conclusions, they can also limit thinking and lead to stereotypes. 像normal这样的标签, 精神疾病, 或双相, we not only make assumptions about others but about ourselves and our potential abilities. These assumptions can even influence our identities. It is this identity labeling that concerns Journey Smith, the seventeen-year-old protagonist in Faith Gardner’s novel Girl on the Line. Journey doubts the truth about many of the things the world tells her and believes that her brain ruins everything as阅读更多→

Robert Lang (aka Bobby) lives in a green house in the junkyard at the dark end of a godless trail amidst trees so thick “the sun gets stuck in the branches” (9). Because the junk molders around him and because young people are often cruel, his peers nickname him Junk; his dad, 吉米, 叫他鼻涕虫. Bobby feels inadequate to meet the demands of the world in which he finds himself, one where his father is a drunk and lives with a limp, 他母亲在他出生一年后抛弃了他, 他似乎迷失了方向, 空, 和没有朋友的. 15岁的鲍比有点矮阅读更多→

以阿什菲尔德为背景, 澳大利亚, The Surprising Power of a Good Dumpling by Wai Chim features the story of the Chiu family and the challenges they face with a mother who endures mental illness and a “wrapped-up-blanket sadness” (58). 安娜(16), 莉莉(14), and Michael (6) watch for signs that mark good days and bad days and dread the days when Ma has a psychotic episode. 他们的父亲, 谁知道医疗服务提供者的职业道德, immerses himself in his work at the Jade Palace, a Chinese restaurant that he owns in a distant city. Because Baba rarely comes home, preferring to sleep on the cot阅读更多→