Middle-schooler Shane Johnson loves the sounds, action, and energy of basketball. On the court, he feels most whole and alive. After he is in a serious accident that leaves him in a coma for a month, 谢恩回归篮球, but Travis Clark has taken over his position on the team. How will Shane regain that lost part of himself so that he no longer feels empty, 无助的, 没有目的? Now that he is on the road to full recovery, Shane is happy to be out from under the pain, 愤怒, 悲伤, and stress that he thought would hover like a dark cloud阅读更多→

故事发生在70年代的圣莫尼卡, 加州上空的云,由Karyn Parsons创作 tells the story of a mixed-race sixth grader. 斯蒂芬妮·莫里森, 又名史蒂夫, moves to a new neighborhood at a critical time in her life, so making friends adds a layer of challenge. Her best friend from her former school has moved on, and talking about boys and fingernail polish are not Stevie’s thing. For Stevie, the library is a kind of church. She’s also loves to skate and imagines herself in an Olympic arena as a Roller Derby queen defending the team’s lead. When her older cousin Naomi comes to live with阅读更多→

故事发生在新墨西哥州, 布兰登·霍布森的《皇冠登录welcome》 features Ziggy Echota whose mother is a missing indigenous woman. 都是切罗基人的后裔, sixth grade Ziggy and his older sister Moon long to know what happened to their mother, so they begin a search in the desert with “Weird Alice” as their guide. 在旅途中, the two learn especially valuable lessons while the reader gains details of the Cherokee culture and its lore. As he searches, Ziggy encounters several Nunnehi, who are protectors and shape shifters. Among them are a fiddle-playing buzzard named Gus, 一匹名叫灯芯的马, 还有一只名叫安德鲁·杰克逊的犰狳.阅读更多→

在他的小说《皇冠登录welcome》中, Kevin Emerson explores what it feels like to be adrift, to not fit in or to feel empty and alone.  Where Micah Rogers blooms in a group of people, Jovie Williams withers. Now, Micah has disappeared, and Jovie feels untethered. Her missing friend leaves a hole in the world and a hollow feeling inside Jovie. Although other people are able to “move on” with their lives, Jovie is obsessed with finding her friend. When she discovers evidence that suggests Micah may have found a way to cross into an alternate universe, 她决心把她带回来. 乔维保证阅读更多→

Apart from his name, Cymbeline Igloo thinks he is normal in every way. A friendly and supportive nine-year-old, Cymbeline isn’t aware of how odd his life story is until a nightmare invades with the heaviness of death. One of Cym’s classmates pushes him into the pool during a school activity, 这个动作触发了Cym的妈妈, 珍妮特屋, 精神崩溃. Now, Cymbeline’s routine and familiar life has been disrupted in a major way. Cym is left to solve the mystery of his mother’s discomfort with swimming. As Cym sleuths out the details with the help of Veronique Chang—a genius and fellow classmate阅读更多→

With themes and a style similar to the stories penned by Lemony Snicket, Rex Ogle writes a mystery featuring the unfortunate events of Will Hunter in The 超自然的 Society. In what hints at a series, this installment is narrated by a monster. When Will Hunter’s dad abandons his family, mother and son are forced to move from Brooklyn, 纽约, 到东爱默生, 麻萨诸塞州, where Will’s mother secures a job as a nurse. Sixth grader Will hates that he has no choice in this “fresh start” his mother describes. His only solace is in his Saint Bernard, Fitz, a Christmas gift from his father years阅读更多→

就像孤儿, 时钟门将, 还有小偷雨果·卡布雷特, Ellie Lancaster lives in a world where her survival depends on secrets and anonymity. Although Orphans of the Tide by Struan Murray doesn’t have the Caldecott winning pictures of Brian Selznick’s book, it has a similar protagonist in twelve-year-old Ellie and much of the mystery, 魅力, 和冒险. 艾莉是个发明家, 机械师, and engineer who is trying to keep alive the memories of her lost mother and brother. 安娜·斯通沃尔是她最好的朋友, 艾莉必须拯救赛斯, a boy “born” from a whale whose emotions are connected to the sea. 孤独和包围阅读更多→

Anyone who likes a good ghost story will likely enjoy Dan Poblocki’s newest novel for middle grade readers, 骗子的房间. 十二岁的希尔双胞胎, Stella and Alex have moved to the country in Frost Valley, 纽约, 和他们的母亲和她的新婚丈夫, 查理·基德. Charlie’s ten-year-old son Simon is now part of the family, although Simon’s older brother Zachary had to stay behind in Ohio because of some trouble he encountered. A lover of scary things and scary stories, Simon is prone to exaggeration and seeks attention. So, when he concocts a story about ghosts, neither Stella nor Alex are inclined to believe阅读更多→

正好赶上2021年的万圣节, 露西·斯特兰奇的新初中小说, 午夜湖的幽灵, tells the story of twelve-year-old Agatha Rose Walters who thought she was an Asquith. 阿加莎的身世之谜, 女鬼的存在, and the lost Queen’s Stone—a legendary white opal—add intrigue to Strange’s story. Set in England’s Lake District in 1899, Lady Agatha loses her father. With his death, everything changes at once. 她的表弟克拉伦斯, the new Earl of Gosswater evicts her from the only home she has ever known and tells her that she is a nobody since her father is really Thomas阅读更多→